Auto Loans

Auto Loans
When you’re planning to purchase a new or used vehicle, contact your credit union first! We’re here to help you be an informed car buyer – armed with information and ready to negotiate. Refinancing your auto loan from another lender is also a great way to give your budget a boost. Often times, we can offer a lower rate or better term and potentially save money!
TruStage™ Auto Insurance Program
Working with carefully selected auto insurance partners, the TruStage Auto Insurance Program can provide discounted rates for credit union members, online services, and 24/7 claims service.
If you haven't compared auto insurance lately, it's a great time to take a look. Your credit union membership could result in some nice savings.
Get your free quote today or call1-855-483-2149.
TruStage™ Auto Insurance program is offered by TruStage Insurance Agency, LLC and issued by leading insurance companies. Discounts are not available in all states and discounts vary by state. The insurance offered is not a deposit and is not federally insured. This coverage is not sold or guaranteed by your credit union.
Need help finding the right car at the right price? Use our AutoSmart Website to shop for your vehicle!