Community Development

Community Development
Reality Fair
Reality Fairs take the dry subject of budgeting and makes it fun and interactive.To adequately prepare our youth for adulthood, we must empower them with the tools, information and decision-making skills necessary to achieve financial freedom. We can help! Our Reality Fair classroom simulation is a hands-on simulation whereby students experience financial challenges they will face as they begin navigating life on their own or in the “real world.” Each student is assigned a career, starting salary and budget sheet. Then they simulate setting up their personal household: renting an apartment and setting up utilities, financing a car, allowing for the purchase of clothing and food, buying a television, etc.
To best meet your needs, we now offer a budget simulation Reality Fair in three formats: virtually through Zoom, in a classroom where we do an on-site visit, and as a large event taking place in a gym or other gathering space.
To find out more about Reality Fairs – contact: or call501-525-6530and ask for the Marketing Department.

At our Credit Union, we are committed to fostering community development in every area we serve. Our goal is to provide affordable financial services to low-income individuals, empowering them to build assets and achieve financial stability.